Category Archives: General

Desserts in Turkish Cuisine and Delicious Recipes

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Turkish cuisine is a diverse and rich cuisine. With recipes of food, drinks and desserts one more delicious than the other, you can find a recipe to make everyone happy. Turkish cuisine desserts are also full of loved and famous examples. Perhaps, the most famous Turkish cuisine dessert both at home and abroad is baklava. […]

October 29 Republic Day: Happy 97th Anniversary of the Republic

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October 29 Republic Day is one of the most important days of the Turkish nation who came out defeated from World War I. With the proclamation of the republic, a new chapter begins in the country. The new Turkish Republic started to govern with the republic in 1923.  In Turkey, it is placed special emphasis […]

September 26 Turkish Language Festival: Turkish from Past to Today

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Turkish Language Festival is celebrated every year on September 26. As well as its importance of being a significant day for Turkish language history and Turkish itself, it is a fact this day forms a connection between the past and future of the language for those who want to learn it.  This way, the Turkish […]

August 19th World Humanitarian Day

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The Day of People Who Live More Than One Life When the dates show August 19th World Humanitarian Day, one stops for a minute and think: how many lives one can touch, and how many lives can one single person live? Humans, who come together in the face of dangers and got strong all along […]

June 5 World Environment Day: You Are Part of Nature

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June 5 the World Environment Day is also known as Eco Day and Environment Day. United Nations came together with its 133 member countries on June 5, 1972, in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden.  The reason for their gathering was something directly concerning millions of people they represent including themselves: environment. The first conference held […]

May 10-16 Disability Week: An Equal World for All

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May 10-16 Disability Week, accepted in 1982 by UN, is a week activities take place in other 192 member countries. This week is not a week of celebration, but rather a motivating all fractions of community week. In Disability Week, goals reached and not reached are reviewed, and new plans for these goals are done. […]

March 8 International Women’s Day: You are not alone, we are together!

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Each year, the 8th of March is celebrated and remembered as International Women’s Day almost everywhere in the world.  Drawing attention to women’s rights with a different theme each year, the theme of the day in which the success of the women is celebrated is ‘’I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights’’ (1). Shall we […]