August 30 Victory Day

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The Victory Torch Burning with Sacrifice

August 30 Victory Day is seen as one of the most important turning points in the Turkish War of Independence. Because Commander-in-chief Mustafa Kemal Atatürk led this war, it is also known as Battle of Dumlupınar. It is first celebrated in 1924. Since 1926 It is celebrated as an official and national bairam and called ‘’ Victory Day’’.


The Great Offensive Planned in Dumlupınar

The great offensive, under the leadership of Commander- in chief Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, started on August 26, 1922, and lasted till August 30 1922. Because it was a very important step in the War of Independence, the offensive was planned in secret. Known to only a few people other than Atatürk, the plan was also carried out in secret. Thus the battle resulted in a victory for the Turkish army.

 The building the offensive was planned was turned into a museum afterwards. Inside the museum, there are offensive plans and rooms belonged to Atatürk and his commanders who were also his fellow soldiers. The museum holds an important place in showing the sacrifices and efforts made to next generations.

   Zafer Museum- Afyonkarahisar                                    Zafer Yürüyüşünün Haritası

The Walk of Victory: Walking the same Road Heroes Walked Years Late

Among the commemoration and celebrations on August 30 Victory Day, perhaps the most special one is the walk that takes place that day. This walk is the ‘’Walk of Victory’’. Citizens, NGOs and students from all over Turkey join this walk. This long road is the road of liberation from Şuhut to Kocatepe. It is a journey which took place fully 98 years ago. Those who walked this road completed this journey but sadly couldn’t’ come back. The Walk of Victory is taken each year on the night connecting August 25 to August 26. When you reach the Victory Monument, you see Atatürk.

The walk accompanied by Turkish flags and torches all night long heralds a brand new day to the younger generation with the first morning lights. This day has come with the courage of the martyrs.

The Victory Road is the Never-Ending Road of Independence

The Great Victory Walk started in 1922. That day, that walk that started for freedom and independence continues under the guidance of heroes with the younger generation. Every year, with people from all over Turkey coming, they, bring new goal too. They continue to walk for a Turkey growing with science and art. And thus, August 30 is both the Victory Day and a target point.

                                                                            Child playing ‘’Zeybek’’ a traditional folk dance.

Festivals rise from great sacrifices, and to care and show respect is the new generation’s responsibility. Turkish War of Independence is a freedom and independence war where all kinds of sacrifice in many ways were made. A country rising from its ashes with War of Independence is walking torches and flags on the Victory Road, for this reason, every August 30.

Turkish4 remembers Commander in chief Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, his fellow soldiers, devoted solders and country with respect and wishes you a happy August 30 Victory Day!


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Translated by: Esra Nur Elmas