October 29 Republic Day: Happy 97th Anniversary of the Republic

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October 29 Republic Day is one of the most important days of the Turkish nation who came out defeated from World War I. With the proclamation of the republic, a new chapter begins in the country. The new Turkish Republic started to govern with the republic in 1923.  In Turkey, it is placed special emphasis on passing on the Republic day excitement to young people.

The Importance of Republic

Republic is a regime where the public is self-governed. The public chooses the members of the parliament, and they make decisions in the parliament. Thus the public expresses its ideas and joins the governing. In the Republic of Turkey, young and old, men and women, they all prepare for the Republic Day. Republic means to sacrifice for the older people. It is also an important trust for young people. That’s why a festive air in every October 29 the proclamation of the republic felt all over Turkey.

The Republic Is Declared!

After World War I, Turkey is stuck in a difficult situation. There is a need for innovation in every aspect. This is the reason why the proclamation of the republic is important. With the republic, the public gets the education and improves. On February 2 1925, October 9 is proposed as the Republic Day. Turkish Grand National Assembly accepts this proposal on April 19. October 19 Republic Day is celebrated as an official holiday in Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.  The afternoon on October 28 and all day on October 29 are public holidays.

On that day, due to Republic Day celebrations are made. Anthems are sung. One of these anthems is the Tenth Year Anthem.

The Tenth Year Anthem and the Story Behind It

On October 29 Republic Day, the founder of Turkish Republic, his brothers in arms and the brave public are remembered with respect.

Atatürk is the first president of the Turkish Republic. He brings many innovations to the country after the proclamation of the republic. A free community in terms of education, social life and equality of men and women and production is formed. In every subject, experts, scientists and public are together.  The public now joins the decision making, works and produces. Thus, the country and the life standard improve.

1933 is the tenth year of the proclamation of the republic. On October 29 1933, Atatürk gives a special speech for the tenth year. In this speech, he speaks about the plans and expectations about the future of the Republic of Turkey.

Atatürk’s Tenth Year delivery is also known as the Tenth Year Speech. During the celebrations for the proclamation of the republic, there is also a competition. At this competition, an anthem competition is held. Faruk Nafiz Çamlıbel and Behçet Kemal Çağlar write the anthem. And Cemal Reşit Bay composes the anthem. The name of the anthem is the Tenth Year Anthem.

You can listen to the Tenth Year Anthem here!

Republic Day is an important day for citizens of all ages. With the freedom republic brought Turkey starts to progress.  October 29 Republic Day reminds of the past and shows goals for the future. The proclamation of the republic is a beginning. Young people and children continue to walk and grow on this road.

Turkish4 wishes everyone a happy October 29 Republic Day!


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Translated by: Esra Nur Elmas

October 2020