Category Archives: Turkish4 Grown-ups

Desserts in Turkish Cuisine and Delicious Recipes

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Turkish cuisine is a diverse and rich cuisine. With recipes of food, drinks and desserts one more delicious than the other, you can find a recipe to make everyone happy. Turkish cuisine desserts are also full of loved and famous examples. Perhaps, the most famous Turkish cuisine dessert both at home and abroad is baklava. […]

Tarhana: A Bowl of Health in Cold Winter Days

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Winter is here. We now are careful to eat and drink things that keep us warm in snowy and rainy weather. It is important to drink things to warm us up. So, we don’t be ill. The first soup to come mind in this food in Turkey is Tarhana soup. Tarhana soup is good for […]

October 29 Republic Day: Happy 97th Anniversary of the Republic

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October 29 Republic Day is one of the most important days of the Turkish nation who came out defeated from World War I. With the proclamation of the republic, a new chapter begins in the country. The new Turkish Republic started to govern with the republic in 1923.  In Turkey, it is placed special emphasis […]

September 26 Turkish Language Festival: Turkish from Past to Today

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Turkish Language Festival is celebrated every year on September 26. As well as its importance of being a significant day for Turkish language history and Turkish itself, it is a fact this day forms a connection between the past and future of the language for those who want to learn it.  This way, the Turkish […]

August 30 Victory Day

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The Victory Torch Burning with Sacrifice August 30 Victory Day is seen as one of the most important turning points in the Turkish War of Independence. Because Commander-in-chief Mustafa Kemal Atatürk led this war, it is also known as Battle of Dumlupınar. It is first celebrated in 1924. Since 1926 It is celebrated as an […]

August 19th World Humanitarian Day

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The Day of People Who Live More Than One Life When the dates show August 19th World Humanitarian Day, one stops for a minute and think: how many lives one can touch, and how many lives can one single person live? Humans, who come together in the face of dangers and got strong all along […]


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The festival of Sacrifice is close, but do we know what that means? The festivals of Sacrifice, along with Ramadan are the two most important festivals in Islam.  This year, it falls on July 31st and August 3rd. These days are national holiday in Muslim countries. The festival of sacrifice falls on a different day […]